Monday, April 4, 2011

Pom Pom Bunnies

 Okay, I don't know if anyone else will think these are cute.
I love them because I grew up with them. 
I thought this would be a fun little craft to make with my girls... 
it actually is a bit to hard because you have to hold the pom poms on until the glue dries a little, and my little ones are still to little for that. 

Anyway, my mother made similar bunnies I was a little girl 
and I wanted to make a few for my lil' girls to love..
 Look at them all lined up.
I really think they are cute, no matter how dated they may look.
I sent my mom a picture 
and my lil' brother told me that they have
"Mandibles of Death"
They aren't that bad are they?

Regardless of how big their lil' checks are
they sure were a hit with this lil' one. 
She has to be very careful (they're a bit fragile) but while baby sis is sleeping, 
she can sneak them for a little adventure or two. 

So, if you're dying to pull out your pom poms and tacky glue

Craft Me This

PS - I debated making a little tutorial... but I don't know how many of you actually would want to add this lil' item to your decor.


hotbutteredpopcorn said...

Those turned out so cute! I don't have blue or yellow bunnies---we may have to negotiate a trade! I love the super pudgy cheeks; looks like they have a mouth full of chocolate or something equally sugary--and an expression that says 'missing chocolate? who, me?"

Brooke said...

Oh, this takes me back! I loves me some pom pom bunnies. Hey, have you thought about using a wooden clothespin to hold the pompoms together while waiting for glue to dry? I've used that technique for other projects (like making mini fairy dolls) and it works pretty well. Anything's better than sitting with your fingers pinched together, right?

Those bunnies always make me think of the Care Bears. (And I mean that in a good way.)

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